Copyright ©2013  All rights reserved. is a Grass-roots forum demanding sanity and justice for Americans.  Now is the time to end the absurd prohibition against Marijuana. Politicians have been scaring voters with made-up threats long enough.

Americans are no longer fooled by 'Reefer Madness' fantasies and imaginary ‘gateway' tales. Now is the time to end the national prohibition of marijuana. Harsh laws punish simple possession far more than acts of violence. Originally intended to persecute minorities, these nonsensical laws have been used for political gain since the 1960's. No one has ever died of a marijuana over-dose, EVER. Pot is 100% less harmful than alcohol. Pot is 100% less harmful than tobacco.  Now is the time to respect the will of the American people and responsibly legalize marijuana. Now is the time to Greenlight Pot, America!





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